Case Counts (Surveillance)

Several Dashboards containing COVID-19 Surveillance Data are listed below

Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Johns Hopkins University for Systems Science and Engineering

Desktop Version

Desktop Version of JHU CSSE COVID-19 website

Mobile Version

Mobile Version of JHU CSSE COVID-19 website

COVID-19 Surveillance Dashboard by the University of Virginia Biocompatibility Institute

COVID-19 Surveillance Dashboard by UVA

Coronavirus COVID-19 by Alexey Pakhomov gathered from multiple sources by Pakhomov

COVID-19 tracker by Bing

COVID-19 Tracker by Bing

The CDC FluView Interactive contains the wILI% values that are used in this prediction contest. The website contains many other values as well.

CDC FluView Interactive

COVID-19 in New York by The Martinez Lab Infectious Disease Dynamics & Biological Rhythms Across Scales

COVID-19 in NY

COVID-19 in Canada by the University of Toronto Dalla Lana School of Public Health

COVID-19 in Canada